Agrapharm is changing our look and our business value proposition to the market. We are committed to helping others involved in the Hemp/CBD markets through our services and experience. Like many others we barely survived the crash in CBD flower prices and the storm of COVID 19 restrictions, through this painful experience we have come to the realization that we need to expand our business beyond flower.
Previously our business was dedicated almost exclusively on the CBD market, focused on providing flower to retailers who mostly sold products to people who used CBD recreationally or to treat pain or anxiety disorders. We have expanded our services based on market drivers and the realization that industrial hemp has a variety of uses many of which are environmentally sound.
Our value proposition has expanded to include phytoremediation, consulting services to farmers who are looking to either improve their current Hemp production, reorganize their business or open new markets and contract growing of specific strains of hemp for businesses who need hemp stock to feed an existing production line of hemp based products such as textiles, hemp based agricultural products or other products.
Contact us today to discuss how we can assist you with legal services, consulting on hemp growing, or retooling your business for profitability.
We Grow Hope not Dope
Archived News
Pennsylvania hemp farmers look to future at conference – Trib Live Article(PDF Version) 1st Annual AgraPharm Hemp Symposium – Mon, March 9, 2020 9:00 AM –